Help save children’s lives through immunization.

Vaccines are one of the simplest, most cost-effective and most successful ways to save children’s lives. As the largest global purchaser of vaccines, UNICEF reaches 45 per cent of the world’s children with life-saving vaccinations.
But it’s not just about working to vaccinate every child. We’re also working to completely rid the world of diseases like polio and maternal and neonatal tetanus.
As a supporter of Kids Boost and I Boost Immunity, your contribution is directed to our Vaccine Bank allowing us to reward participants, including students, for their commitment to learning about vaccine health and supporting the delivery of vaccines to children around the world.
A gift of just $30 provides 100 vaccines for the I Boost / Kids Boost Immunity Vaccine Bank. This can help support students answering 1,500 questions in the classroom about the importance of vaccine health.